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Have done nothing productive so far besides walking to OC with Heather and wrestling Sunday on the way there. We had lunch in the Eaton College dining hall because the grill was closed at OC.
Received the most annoying news just now (specifically, it's about certain student dons' (i.e. me, Kris and Tanay) "lack of participation and getting work done"). At the moment, I am one bloody pissed off individual, and if that bitch even comes close to me, I swear to God I will (I quote Tanay) "take her down to Chinatown!" (whatever that does; it just makes me crack up when I hear it out loud :P). Sigh. *takes a deep breath*
OK. Let's look at things in perspective eh? I fulfill all parts of my contract, the dons and senior dons have no complaints, my girls are all between the ages of 16 to 22, thus I have no reason to babysit any of them. The only 16 year old I have with me is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, and I reiterate here that a student don is not here for babysitting: we are here to provide help and direction should such a need arise. My girls know where to find me, my door is always open, and I'm always available for them to talk to should they want to. Hell, even her kids come to me for the vacuum key, for God's sake. And I know firsthand that Kristina and Tanay are no different. they're both doing fantastic jobs with their section. We all have our lives too you know! As far as I'm concerned, almost everyone is pulling their weight around here.
Damn I love my blogboard. It allows me to vent and vent and vent, lol. Why am I still cheerful? Heck, look. I'm mad, I really am. But if I let it bug me more than it should, it makes my life miserable, and donning is not like that. I love donning. I love my girls, and I love most of the people I'm working with. I'm in the best college in the university, I have fantastic friends, I get to help people out, and school is good so far. I also have an (unpaid) job with an online mag which I'm really excited about, I'm gonna be partying tomorrow at Copperfields', and again, I have such fantastic people as friends and peers. Sure, I have stuff to think about, but who doesn't? My life isn't perfect, but you know what? Things would be boring if it were. I'm counting my blessings, and damn I'm lucky :)
I think the reason why I'm still happy is because of the song I'm listening to, hee. Damn, this should be my song. I love U2! Wish I could make it for the concert.. blah. If you're reading this, you probably know me, and hey, remember, you're special! *big hug* :)
I really should start thinking like this more often...
Link of the Day: Mythography: Exploring Greek, Roman and Celtic Mythology and Art
Song of the moment: U2's Elevation (Tomb Raider Remix) on repeat
Current emotion: Mad but happy, letting off steam, lol.