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I cooked dinner today, ahaha. Cooked rice and steamed chicken n' eggs using my rice cooker, it was awesome! It's been ages since I ate good rice :P Heather and Miranda joined me for dinner *grin* Shahnon left around 5-ish (yes, he did stop by before he left :)) And Marianne and Kai are coming tomorrow, so I'm really psyched. Tanay came over later, he'd missed dinner, so he ordered a pizza. Jenn and Sunday came up and the 4 of us just hung out and chatted for a while. There's an Incubus concert in Toronto 2 weeks from now; am seriously considering heading down with Tanay, w00t! That would be sweet man, my first concert in Canada, lol. Jenn gave us lemon merangue pie and more Godiva chocolate *swoon* Sunday was laughing at me coz it took me ages to eat that little piece of choc, hmphff. I tell ya, chocolate (especially Godiva) is to be savoured man! :P Did lock-up; jeepers it's cold out tonight, brr..!
Anyway, am off to do some work (or at least try to...)
Link of the Day: The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything *roflmao*
Song of the moment: Eve 6's Promise
Current emotion: Sugar high!