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Was up at 10.30 (woohoo..!!) and had a quick shower before heading out with Shahnon. We walked around campus and met up with Asha and Tanay. Had lunch in OC before Shahnon went off with James to see the liftlock. I went out with Heather, Gurkche and Joyce to Landsdowne to do some grocery shopping. We spent a good 3 hours just walking around and buying stuff (I bought a huge bag of yogurt covered peanuts, yay!). Got back around 5-ish, and Heather and I wanted to cook dinner tonight, but Shahnon left a message saying he was taking us out to dinner. And sooooo, now I'm waiting for him to get back. In the meantime, I cleaned my room and am still admiring my fridge, lol. Oh yeah, and I'm playing my music real loud too *smirks*
Song of the moment: Smashmouth's All Star
Current emotion: *boing*boing*boing* :)