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I forgot to say; my parents called this morning and as usual, I felt like such a heel for not calling them more often. It's not that I don't want to call, it's just that, ever since I got back, time seems to fly by so quickly, and I don't even realize how many days have gone by before they call to see what I'm up to. I called them earlier, and spoke to dad and mom for ages. I really miss them, and I think it's finally hitting me how much the last year has changed me, how my summer back home has changed my parents' perception of me and vice versa. Mom is so different on the 'phone now; she has a lot more confidence in my decisions now, which is great. Daddy is daddy, although I think my not calling is affecting him more now than before (or he's not so good at hiding it anymore). I miss him so much, and as usual, talking or thinking of my dad just brings tears to my eyes. I suppose that considering I had never shed a single tear ever since I got back till now, I've been holding on pretty well. Ah well. Parents. :)
Had a meeting with a few members of the student cabinet, the other student dons and the floor reps recently elected. Threw around ideas for the year. Hannah was there, and she spent the whole hour sitting on my lap, lol. Everyone was joking how she was only 5, and her legs were already 3/4ths as long as mine were, rofl. What can I say? I'm vertically challenged :P She's such a cutie though *grin*
After the meeting, I headed to Bob and Pauline's for some Thanksgiving stuff they baked. omg, they make the best cranberry and almond squares ever! Anyway, there weren't that many people around, simply because everyone's gone for Thanksgiving weekend. Shahnon's coming down tomorrow though, so that's cool (he postponed the last time, but he's definately showing up tomorrow) and Kai's coming on Monday (wish he could make it Sunday, but nah he said he coulsn't make it). Tomorrow, rez is gonna be dead quiet. It'll be ok; I have friends around somewhere :) Took pictures with some of the girls, and watched the first 10 minutes of Rush Hour II with Di, Asha and Allison before heading out with George to go pick up my fridge (finally!!). Poor George was so nice, not only did he help me pick my fridge up from downtown, he carried it to my room on the third floor for me as well! I owe him big time. I'm so lucky to have such great friends! :)
Anyway, am off to bed, or at least the vincinity of it...
Song of the moment: Linkin Park's Runaway
Current emotion: Slightly homesick, but still happy