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You do not want to know what time I got up today :P Best news of the day is that Kai's coming to visit at the end of the week, yay! Am so excited; can't wait to beat him, haha! I'm kidding :) Spent the day (or what's left of it) with Susan and Asha; we had a nice long chat about a little bit of everything, and it was a good evening. Headed to Otanabee College with Kayla and Asha for dinner, had yucky shrimp terriyaki rice, blek. Tried studying and failed miserably. Cooked food for Roger coz he was hungry, and in return he gave me a Head of the Trent beer mug his buddy left behind (it's really cool, but I didn't have the money to buy it) so yay! :) There was a short meeting for the RAs and the Cultural Affairs rep. from the student cabinet which went fine. Kira's back from visiting her boyf at the Royal Military College; it's good to see her. Am trying to prepare for my presentation for tomorrow, but achieving zilch at the moment. Spoke to Kai on the phone; he's probably coming up on Sunday evening or Monday morning. Oh, and almost forgot, Shahnon might be coming up this weekend too. I'm happy, I really am :)
Quote of the Day:
Explore your mind until all limits have been reached. Even then, keep looking and you'll amaze your eyes and your heart - Faye Velsher
Song of the moment: Dave Matthew's Band's Satellite(Acoustic)
Current emotion: Content