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Am rather mad at Catherine at the moment. Like, the only reason I'm covering for her this weekend is because she's rowing (we're to stay up till 3 patrolling the halls to make sure everything's ok). At 11.30, I walked past her hall and Roger was rather loud, so I asked him to turn it down, since I figured Catherine needed her sleep. Guess what happens? One of the girls turn to me and tells me that Catherine's down at the pub, and I end up looking like the fool who asked someone to keep quiet before quiet hours start. Nice. Am fu**ing pissed off, but whatever. I see her at 12, with her usual "haggard" look, and for once, I didn't feel the slightest ounce of sympathy. What the hell, I'm human too. I can only be nice this much, this far, and as Kayla would say, she's gone so fu**in' far over the line that she's about to cross it all over again. Ugh.
I'm sorry, I had to air out, blah.
It was actually a pretty good evening (before all that). I was talking to Nerisa for over an hour before I headed to Landsdowne with Kayla and Chris to Chapters (it's a huge bookstore) and the LCBO (liquor store). I bought a mickey of peach schapps and Chris bought some Smirnoff Ice and an F1 magazine. We had a bit to drink (I seem to be drinking a lot this term) and watched Mallrats. Excellent movie, that. Anyway, did my rounds and stopped by to talk to lots of people on the way. Am tired, but it's only 12, bleah. Ah well. Will go watch Cayote Ugly or something.
Song of the moment: Chemical Brothers' Block Rockin' Beats
Current emotion: Extremely ticked off
I forgot to post my blog! :P
It's 3am already, eek. Mmf, so much for my movie. Mark came up and was slightly tipsy, so I made sure he was ok, only to see Jess tipsy too, but Peter was with her, so I wasn't worried. Anyway, made my rounds, and was chatting with Mark. Madihah, Kate and Stephanie stopped by, so we talked till 1. I headed down to Crawpadies' with Mark to make sure everything was ok before hanging out in the quad just talking to him and Rebecca. Peter (the Sr. Don) joined us but it wasn't long before Becca and Mark took my keys and headed to my room to chat, since I have no neighbours for the weekend. Did my final round at 2.50, everything's cool, so I'm back in my room, ready for bed. Kristina swears she's gonna wake me up at 8 to see Catherine race. We'll see...
Song of the moment: DMX 's Ruff Ryders Anthem Remix
Current emotion: Semi ticked off and tired