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Haven't been able to sleep for the past few days, and last night (or this morning, to be precise), was of no exception. Finally dropped off around 5-ish, and almost slept right through English, lol. Woke up in time though, but I didn't bother to stay for the 3rd optional hour, since they were gonna teach us how to use the Oxford Dictionary online (well duh...). Was rather frustrated with the prof, because we were studying a piece of poetry, and my group believes that poetry is open to individual interpretation, right? We decided that the poem spoke a lot about sex, control, pimping and prostitution, but the prof. insisted that there was a dead person involved in the poem, and was actually a wake. Well exCUSE me! I thought that so long as we could back up our interpretations, we were all set! Hmphff. Anyway, because of that, I cracked a joke about necrophilia to please the prof (since she wanted a dead person there...).
Had a nap from 12.30 till 3. Kira came in to use the pc for a bit, and Antony and Rebecca showed up and we started to talk about cell phones and stuff. Had a sub for dinner before I headed to Kayla's to watch Frasier and The Drew Carey Show. It was funny, lol. Spoke to Victoria and Kaylyn for a bit. Di came up and wanted noodles, so I cooked some for her. I also made some neslo panas (hot Nescafe and Milo mixed together) for myself and Deandra. Am very happy for Kayla, as she found out that she got the job at the college office, yay! Sarah joined us later, and we squabbled with Roger until we threatened to shave his head and his legs when he was asleep, lol. He left in a hurry after that :P
Quote(s) of the Day:
Look! I'm a Kayla sandwich with Asian bread! - Kayla
Can anyone say/spell NECROPHILIA?? - Tiff. L
Roger, I have a key to your room, and if you keep bugging me, I'm gonna shave your legs and your head! - Tiff. L
Roger, sleep with pants on tonight..! - Sarah
Song of the moment: Stone Temple Pilot's Interstate Love Song
Book of the moment: H.G. Wells' The Time Machine/ War of the Worlds
Current emotion: A happy kinda blur