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Woke up sometime in the afternoon, eek. Still reading The Epic of Gilgamesh; it's so bloody long. Spent the afternoon hanging out with Asha. Watched Roger and Asha play hockey in the hallway before they started to fight, lol. We headed to Otanabee College to grab some food later in the evening and ate in the LEC dining hall. Watched Head Over Heels with Sunday, Deandra and Asha. Walked around the whole South Wing today, as Catherine's away for a rowing regatta. Was supposed to finish my homework, but obviously I didn't, blah. Better get it done tomorrow. Have started a new blogger which is basically an edited version of this one for my parents, lol. I'm terrible at writing mails, so I figured a blogboard made much more sense. Will see how it goes.
Posted by Tiff at September 23, 2024 01:12 AM