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Am back from John and Rox's; man, I so needed that. It was great--we left around 4, and reached this haven half an hour away from school. It's surrounded by 3 acres of land, the house is huge, there are two barns, a smoke house...I could just go on and on. It was unbelievable. We toured the land (there's a pond and several hilly areas and hidden nooks shaded by trees) and lazed out in the backyard while Rox cooked us a fantastic dinner (we finished everything!). The drinking started at dinner time (they have a liquor fridge!) and went on till past 3am. Actually, come to think of it, the only people who really drank was Sarah, John and myself. I had a glass of wine, 3 glasses of fuzzy navel (peach schnapps and orange juice) and 4 screwdrivers. We talked about anything and everything, laughing a lot along the way :) Anne, Sarah and myself were up around 5 to dig for food in the kitchen, and it was hilarious coz even though I was slightly tipsy, I could still wield a knife and cut us slices of bread, lol.
Woke up around 11, and we had brunch before sitting out in the patio again. I fell asleep in the hammock; the girls were throwing peanuts at me, and Sarah resorted to poking me with a stick to get me out of bed *grin* Left at 3,and am back in rez, talking to Kayla.
Quote of the Day:
"Are you singing Backstreet Boys??" "No, no, we're the Backyard Girls!" - Anne