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I was really pissed off at the HSE provider yesterday. Received my modem and stuff, but when I plugged it in, there was something wrong with the phone line. Called Sympatico three times to get it sorted out, only to be told it would take a minimum of 24 hours for the problem to be rectified, ggrr..!~! Stomped about rez before heading to Mark's to complain; I stole his smilie face keychain thing and felt much better, lol. Had a 2 hour meeting with Bob and Pauline before heading down to the quad for the college BBQ we organized. Had a lot of fun just talking with everyone. I threatened to beat Eren and Antony if they should bug me again (Eren almost made me spill my drinks; I was not pleased). Mark was leaving for home, and I wanted to return the keychain, but he said I could keep it, hah! Watched Head Over Heels with Kira. Spent the rest of the evening talking to Mat, Terri and her friend Rene before going to bed.
Was up at 10, and Kristina helped me colour my fringe blue again (it was losing its colour). Had lunch before heading downtown to do some grocery shopping with Kira. Headed to Althea's place where I got to work; baked brownies (served with vanilla ice cream) before cooking a huge pot of curry chicken stew. I also cooked rice and made omelettes for everyone. Everyone loved the food, lol. Deandra, Althea, Gathoni, Yi Min, Kira, Nontobeko, Harold, Susan and myself finished most of it. Bernard was down with the flu, so I cooked him some porridge. We missed the 7.40 bus, but caught the next one. Am back and totally tired out, but ecstatic to know that my internet connection works now.
Posted by Tiff at September 14, 2024 09:19 PM