« Yay, finally finished reading Tolkien's | Main | Was just talking to Roger »
Slept at 4.30am and was up by 8. Spent some time talking to Victoria and Kaylyn before going for breakfast with them. They're such nice people :) Met up with Yi Min and we just talked about the courses we were taking and stuff. Am feeling rather depressed at the moment, as I've just signed away about CD500 for books, sigh. It's sucky to be so bloody broke. The only good thing is that they all look amazing, and I can't wait to get started on my science fiction course! Headed downtown with Catherine just to get away from rez for a while. Bumped into Tomoko, Naomi and Phoebe, yay! Catherine and I had lunch, did some grocery shopping and bought candy for the people in our sections as a welcome gift. Christina stopped by to chat after I got back, which was nice. Susan and Deandra dropped by, which was fantastic, since the last time I saw them was in spring. Anyway, gonna start on Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End; it's for class, but I already read like 15 pages of it in the States, so I want to finish it. It's pub night tonight, and we're all expected to show up. Bah.
Posted by Tiff at September 07, 2024 04:44 PM