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Yay, finally finished reading Tolkien's The Hobbit. Am waiting for Shahnon to visit and give me my Lord of The Rings which I left back home. Spent the afternoon talking in the hallway with Kira, Meghan, Stephanie, Madihah and Anthony. Rather interesting conversation and group, that. Kira's from Montréal, Canada, while Meghan, who looks Swedish, is from Oman and was born in Zimbabwe. Madihah, who looks like your typical Malay is from the Bahamas, Stephanie's a Chinese Canadian, and Anthony is British who spent his life in Hong Kong. Talk about a royal mix-up, lol. Had a fantastic time just chatting in the hallway with these people.
Alice called and we talked for a good forty minutes. There was a semi-formal dinner for all the first years tonight. One of the amigos asked me to dance, and when I refused (politely!) he decided to announce his intentions to everyone in the dining hall in a very loud voice, which did not help. I ran out of there asap; still cringe when I think of it, but he apologized later so all is ok (I think). Anyway, it's been a quiet day overall. Paid my fees and finally have my master keys to all the rooms in the building, hah! Watched Mulan with Allison and Sarah till 2.30am *grin* Oh, and I fixed one of the toilets too. Yay Tiff :P I'm going to bed now; long day tomorrow.