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It's already Wednesday night, or Thursday morning, to be exact. Can hardly believe how quickly time has flown by. My 'puter actually came back on Sunday, but I've been so caught up and busy with all the training and socializing expected of us things went a little bit mad. A quick run-through:
Reached Toronto last Wednesday around 6. Merv and Vivien picked me up; we headed to Pacific Mall in Markham, Toronto for some chinese food before they drove me to school. Reached Trent around 10-ish, met Catherine, Tanay and Kristina. Was feeling really pumped about donning with these guys. Anyway, unpacked till 2 and was up at 7 the next day for training.
Boring as hell, but I got to meet the new dons who are replacing John and Rox (I'm gonna miss them so much this year). Pauline and Bob are pretty nice, and they have a 14 year old daughter Maura. Peter Northrop took Tanay, Catherine, Christina and myself out for dinner Thursday evening at Hot Belly Mama's which is a pretty nice place downtown; had a screwdriver and some kinda fish thing. Dinner was an expensive affair :P
The next day, we managed to twist Krista's arm (she's another don) and she bought us burgers and fries from Harvey's (kinda like Mc Donald's) for dinner before taking us to Canadian Tire, Shoppers' Drugmart and Price Chopper to buy numerous items. We're now planning to ambush the two remaining dons to buy us dinner sometime in the near future, lol. Baked brownies with the girls for Saturday's dinner before heading to the Cat's Ass in Otanabee College (it's a pub). Was there for an hour chatting with Catherine and Derek before leaving; was too tired to stay. Sharon and Kayla called later that night; it was great to talk to them. In fact, there was one day which Sharon called at 7am to talk :P
Saturday and Sunday was spent getting to know the Frosh Week staff , last minute details in preparation for the 1st years and planning. Tanay and I went to Camp Kawartha to meet the Trent International Program students and I bumped into Yi Min and Gathoni as well as a few other friends there, which was great.The brownies were a huge success at the BBQ dinner, and Saturday night we joined the student-organized Mystery Bus tour which brought us to this really ulu place where they played country music all night (yay Country 105! :P). Didn't have that much fun, but Kristina taught me to line dance, and Kyle taught me to slow dance, which was pretty neat. Overall, all I can say is that it was an experience :) Sarah came by with my 'puter on Sunday; she's not coming back to rez this year because of finacial difficulties, which really sucks, as I was looking forward to having her in rez again. :(
Monday was insane. I was in line handing out the Acedemic Advisor information, and talked till my throat was sore from 11 till 2. Took a break, met the new people and helped some of them move in. Played with Hannah, the resident kid(s) (there's her sister Emma too) for ages. Hannah is adorable! She's 6 and she's bloody cute! Had my first section meeting which was alright, but which could have been a lot better. While roaming the halls that night though, it was discouraging to see all the closed doors and lack of interaction, and it didn't help knowing that in the other sections, everyone was up and about. I felt awful, but I received a voice mail from Kai which made me feel loads better. Spoke to him for a short while and I went to bed around 3, spending loads of time roaming the halls to see if everyone was ok. Bumped into Peter the amigo who reassured me that everything was alright, which made me feel much better.
Tuesday morning was a nightmare as the Frosh Week staff ran around residence banging pots and pans at 6.30am to drag the 1st years out of bed. The day was spent meeting people, trying hard to remember names and faces without looking like a doofus, lol. Battle of the Sexes was on in the evening, with the girls versus the guys, and it was hilarious! I laughed so hard that evening, just listening and watching them battle it out to be the smarter, savvier crew. Obviously, the chicks won, hah! Was up till 3. Spoke to a few people who were feeling homesick; I was glad I could help. Alex called from Vancouver, BC and we talked for a while before I went to sleep.
Gathoni woke me up at 8, and I dragged myself out of bed at 9 to join Kristina for breakfast. Spent more time talking to the first years, watched Robin Hood: Men In Tights by myself, did my laundry and headed out for the university-wide BBQ held in front of the library. There was a live band, but Catherine and I didn't like the music, so we headed to my room to have some vodka and orange juice before heading out again. Oh, almost forgot, Heather came by (yay Heather!) and we talked for ages before she had to go. There was an impromptu hall party outside my place, which soon moved into my room. 11 people having tea or coffee while watching Shrek on my 15" monitor, lol. We had a blast. I'm remembering more names now, so that's good. I'm totally tired though; will be going to bed soon. I guess that pretty much covers my last week! Will add more as I see fit later, if I can remember *yawn*