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Just got home. Was at mamak with Azuan, Rudy, Ervan, Jane and Vincent. Adam joined us later for a little while. Alex has already left for Vancouver; depending on plans during Christmas break, may or may not see him in .ca. Was on my way home with my sister when her friend called from Sunway; seems that his car wouldn't start. Spent an hour and a half waiting for AAM to show up. I'm feeling rather weird now. I can't wait to go back to school, but I'm gonna miss my friends here, especially the few who are leaving for Aussie next February. I figure I won't be seeing most of them for at least 2 years, and it's kinda sad. Oh well, guess that means I gotta buy myself a ticket to Melbourne :)
Thought of the Day:
It's taken some time, but I'm beginning to see a lot of different aspects of life which I had never been able to piece together before. Someone you call a friend...friend can mean many different things to many different people. These few months back home have taught me the difference between a friend and an aquaintance. I realize now that it's not a matter or keeping things in perspective or keeping in touch; you can go off without seeing each other for ages, and still pick up where you left off. Friends are those you actually miss, and look forward to seeing all the time. It doesn't matter if you just went out an hour ago; you still miss them when they're not around. Friends are those who make you feel at ease, who don't judge, who make you laugh your head off and cry rivers of tears. They frustrate you, are there for you, let you down once in a while (but you always forgive and forget) and...gosh, there's just so much I can say about friends. My conclusion? To my real friends, I salute you all! :)
Song of the moment: Eve 6's Here's To The Night
Book of the moment: Milton's Paradise Lost
Coolest MTV of the day: Missy Eliot's Get Your Freak On
Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is keeping apart from the irrational. Grant me instead what the simple believe - Euripides
Stanza of the Day:
Where emotions reside, which alcohol releases
And let loose these binds; where reality ceases
to hold me back, in fear and desperation
Recall the hurt, pain and deception...