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An out and out disaster today, as far as plans were concerned. Didn't get to see sooks after all. Have started preliminary packing while watching MTV in between. Have you ever watched Eve6's "Here's To The Night"? Nothing fantastic, but just watching it made me think about my friends and I, especially those trips to Genting. I can still see it in my mind's eye, Shean Min being bullied by Kai and Heng Han, Sharon, parading around the living room in Kai's jeans (you can very easily pull em off) with her cap on backwards and lotsa attitude, Norman cooking (now that's a sight you don't see very often), cho daidee sessions, Poh Lin's shopoholic tendencies :), Shao Yi..oh boy. I could just go on and on. But I won't. I'm off to catch "Friends".
Posted by Tiff at August 16, 2024 07:41 AM