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Wahey, finished reading the sequel to Bridget Jones Diary- Edge of Reason. Bloody dumb book, that. But hey, it was entertainment all the same. I really liked Mark Darcy's character, though. He seems like such a sweetie, lol. I finished it at 7am and woke up at 8 (bloody alarm went off). Finally dragged myself out of bed at 10.30. Had breakfast withYi Kai before Shean Min showed up at around 12.30. Sharon had already left bright and early for KL to pick up her visa and ticket. We had lunch at Shade's before lepaking at Taylor's for a bit. Met up with Marianne (she was down from Ipoh, yay!) and we headed to Pyramid Mall while Shean Min was at class. Yi Kai had abandoned us for his CCG (private joke, that). Hmphhf. Anyway, I met up with Alex--he's leaving for .ca on the 16th, but he'll be in Vancouver. Even so, we're hoping to meet up, possibly over Christmas. We spent a couple of hours in Starbucks before we left for Shean Min's place. Am waiting for Sharon and Yi Kai to show up after their respective rendezvous, lol. Off to burn a couple of CDs now.
Posted by Tiff at August 10, 2024 05:47 AM