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Neat, now Heather says I can spend Christmas with her and her family too. Thanks Heather. Talked it over with mom and dad just now; sure it would be real nice to come home for Christmas, but paying over 4000 bucks just doesn't cut it. I'm gonna miss my friends tho', cos most of them are leaving next February for Australia. I tell you, come summer and I'll be totally friendless :P
I decided to put down "Chronicles of Narnia" for the moment. Am now half-way through with Kipling's "Puck of Pook's Hill", it's really quite fascinating actually. I've noticed that the last few books I've been reading seem to centre around the theme of religion, gods and myths. Not that I'm complaining, but I can't help but think there's something about something which I can't quite put my finger on...
Stanza of the Day:
Why we steal, pretend and lie
Why we live, hurt and cry
Why we suffer, dream in pain
Why we still believe in vain
Why we cover our eyes from truth
Why we tend to act obtuse
Why friends matter, why even care
Why try pretending that life's even fair?
Why the false smile and fake cheer
Why act as if you have no fear
Why associate tears with being weak
Why think that love is the only thing we seek
Why deny all that makes you whole
Why keep yourself bitter and cold
Why not try and grasp a cloud
Why not take pleasure and not doubt
Why not try to not second guess fate
Why even bother to say "too late"
Why write a poem when you could be asleep
Why not take the chance, of faith you leap...
1.42am, 3rd August 2001.