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Haha, I'm happy! Finished the 2nd book already, so that's 2 down, 5 to go! Marianne woke me up at 9 today; I was suppose to meet her at 10 in Taylor's College, but I only got there at 10.30, eek! We went around terrorizing the teachers and Ms Janice, the admissions officer (and my old boss) till 12. Shean Min and Shao Yi showed up around then, so we had lunch at Shade's.
Quote(s) of the Day:
"Yeah, if I can't get a job I'll write scripts for porn..!!" - Shao Yi
"I don't believe in love at first sight...my pants are falling!" - Shao Yi
"...I bought the soft one and she bought the hard one..." - Shao Yi (Ed. note: Think perversely :P)
lol. I love Shao Yi!! She makes life so interesting!