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Almost 4am and I'm still wide awake. I'm already starting to function on Canadian time, lol. Unca Azuan woke me up at 11.30 today *growls* but I went back to sleep soon after, ehehe. Shean Min called around 12.30; he was waiting outside for me to let him in, poor fella. Was supposed to go out for lunch, but it was raining heavily, so we stayed in and had Maggi instead (we also ffk'ed Heng Han *grin*). Watched "Feel 100%" (it's a chinese flick) before Shean Min went off for class, only to come back later with Poh Lin coz class was cancelled. We had an early dinner at Ravi's again with Shao Yi at around 6. Watched Charlie's Angels, listened to my CDs. Was supposed to go out with Audrey and Mei Mei, but they pulled out on me at the last minute, so I was pretty disappointed.
Heng Han's leaving at 5am for Melbourne, I'm gonna miss that crazy fella. Have a safe flight Han *hug*