« Walla, I'm back from Genting | Main | I forgot to say, I »
Word up people! ;) I'm already in Penang and enjoyin' the quality time spent with my buds. Genting, as said earlier, was fantastic! We cooked, chatted, played cards, played jokes, the works. There were 7 of us altogether; Yi Kai, Sharon, Shao Yi, Shean Min, Heng Han, Poh Lin and myself. The last night was hilarious, as the six of us (with the exception of Poh Lin) lined ourselves up against the window and slept in a row like a bunch of kids. I woke up several times during the night coz I was being squashed, lol, but it was fantastic fun all the same. The joke of the trip was Shao Yi (as usual) with her announcement, "I'm so sad. I can't suck!" lol. In all truth, she actually said "I'm so sad, my cards suck", but trust us to pervert the truth, lol. On the day we left, we took a couple of photos, and the guys willingly obliged us with a suggestive pose *grin* Anyway, off to read "Bridget Jones' Diary". Will blog more laters. Ciao peeps!
P/S: I forgot to call Diana this mornin'; she's left for Aussie. sorry Di! All the best and keep in touch babe *muah*
Posted by Tiff at July 12, 2024 05:31 AM