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"A la la la la long, a la la la la long long lay long long long, ooh yeah..!!" :)
This is hilarious; I looked to my right while logging online, and what do I see but a kid no more than 14 (perhaps?) jumping up and down what I presume to be his bed, doing some serious head-banging nonsense *roflmao* I am so mean, lol. I popped open the window, expecting to hear music, but nope, zilch. This kid is either wearing headphones or he's psycho :P and he's my NEIGHBOUR, gaah!!
Worked from 7.30 till 6 today; 3 more days to go and I'm officially unemployed, woohoo!! Ah, my neighbour's lights went off; his parents probably caught on.. (I'm so nosy.. *sheepish grin*).ANYway, just received a nice e-mail from Heather (I know I know, I should write back; I'm sorry I never do :P You'll just have to settle for my rants and raves..I pity your innocent ears, lol *wink*) Hey, I just whipped off a reply; yay. No e-mails from Tiff till I get back now :)
Back to my boring life; was with my dad at the shop till 8.30, before I headed to another mall with Audrey to try and get my books. Damnit, still zilch. Methinks I gotta head to Bangsar or Megamall as a last resort. Mm, we headed to Ikea and bought a lazyman chair for my dad for RM200. And before i forget, my cousin Levin gave me a call saying he wanted the phone back. Don't you just love people like that? Anyway, he changed his mind 10 minutes later, but we'll see what happens. Worst case scenario? I go phone shopping next week with my paycheck. Now how bad is that? :)