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Funny. For the first time in 4 1/2 weeks, I didn't give a damn about my work. Anything new which came my way was slotted into my "In" box and left there for tomorrow. I helped Esther hang up some deco and stuff and basically wasted my time in the office today, aside from all my typing that is. Left work close to 6. Headed to Subang Parade with my sister later to get some books. I was looking forward to buying "Bridget Jones' Diary" and selected works of Kafka and Austen but no such luck; all sold out. I'll be heading to a different mall tomorrow to get em I guess.
I'm in a better mood now; I think my rantings were due largely to lack of sleep and stress. Anyway, surprisingly enough, I wrote a poem which was totally light-hearted and stuff today. I called it Fantasia; it's about a fantasy-world where all my favourite cartoon and comic book characters (and some not so favourite, but popular ones all the same) mingle and live together. Reading it cheers me up to no end, and yes sooks, I love that Timon and Pumbaa line too *grin*
Pumbaa and Timon start to do the conga
Change their minds and dance to "Lambada"
ain't no call like the booty call..!! *grin*
Posted by Tiff at June 25, 2024 09:55 AM