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You know what? I don't know wtf is wrong with me. All those months in .ca, I was dying to come home, see friends and family and all that shit. And hey, I'm back home. boom. I wanna leave again. I mean, what kind of shit is this anyhoo? I wanna say i'm going through my mid-life crisis, but godammit, I'm only 20. What #$& crisis are we talking about?! I'm feeling angry, frustrated, mad; in short, I think I'm going crazy. And the sweetest part? Nobody fu#$&$%*& cares. And to top it off? I don't seem to fu%$*$^ care either. This post of filled with expletives, so just skip it if you don't wanna read this shit. Sigh. I need a break from this break.
Posted by Tiff at June 24, 2024 02:38 PM