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At work till 6.15pm yesterday; this sucks :( Got caught in a traffic jam on my way home; didn't get back till almost 8.Had a fantastic dinner with sooks, Azuan and Sue Ann though. We went to this lil korean bbq place in Bangsar; was fun. We spent some time in Coffee Bean too, before leaving at around 11.
Audrey woke me up today; she was on the phone and was so bloody loud I think even my neighbours heard her :P Was supposed to bake with sooks, but we scratched our plans off later. Headed to my parents' shop and was there till 9, then it was dinner with my unc and aunt before I came home to an empty house (everyone's out, including parents). Guess it's just me and the dogs...
Posted by Tiff at June 16, 2024 12:44 PM