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Yah, was late for work today *sheepish grin* Only by 15 minutes, so don't give me dirty looks :P I was fed up to the back of my teeth working like a dog for the office, and realized quite belatedly that damnit, I don't have to make myself miserable for some temporary job. As such, I vow from today onwards to do what I can, when I can, and to hell with everything else :P (Heck, if they could put up with a dude who was always late and did half the work I did, they can bloody well put up with me thank you very much!).
Anyway, sooks picked me up from school today at 4.30 and since we both had time on our hands, we decided to head to TGIF for an early dinner. It was neat.
Fell asleep watching "The Emperor's New Groove" yet again *grin*