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June 18, 2024

Ooh, Movable Type! *touchtouch!*

ooh... *stands back in awe* So pretty... *touchtouch summore*

Haha! Thanks for everything sooks; it looks really funky, and the penguins are a nice touch ;)

Been shopping for more crystals with sooks today; I really am dead broke now. We took Benji the ShihTzu to the vet after our shopping expedition, and I still feel like throwing up when I think of the maggots, YUCK. Benji so cham :( You owe us big time, Bronson! You hear me?! *KOK*

I have over 670 posts, ahaha! Poor sooks had to convert each and every file last night, oops.

My last three blogs didn't show up, since I didn't realize we'd changed from Blogger to MT last night. Nah. Please excuse the language *grins*

[6/16/2002 1:23:20 PM | Tiff. L]
Blablabla... (making up for lost blogs :P).

Can't sleep. Might be crystal-shopping again with sooks tomorrow. Am dead broke. Cheque came in, but I've yet to cash it. Deadline for papers looming closer and closer. E-mail from Kris made me smile (thanks, chica!). Note from Punky made me sad, 'cause I miss her and all the other crazy people I left in Canada.
Eyes hurt (perhaps it was all that cross-eyed threading, sooks...). Need to start packing. Kai coming soon, yay! sooks leaving very soon, boo! :( *sniffles a little* Can't believe she's leaving for Bumblef*ck, NZ. So far so good, we have Bumblef*ck Canada (Peterborough), Bumblef*ck USA (Ithaca) and now, Bumblef*ck NZ (two hours away from Wellington; whatitsname again, sooks?). We're taking over the world I tell ya :P

I'm rambling.

One day, some day, I'm gonna type any and every little thing that crosses my mind, just for the hell of it, hiaks!

I recently discovered my favourite word while driving!

Me, on the Federal highway with psycho M'sian drivers: F*cker!
Me, slamming on the brakes (for any number of reasons): damned f*cker!
Me, almost in an accident: what the f*ck?! F*CKER!
Me, reckless behind the wheels:(under breath) f*cker...
Me, with cab driver in front being an absolute bastard: F*CKER!

Yes, I have limited vocabulary. Can you tell that I'm a foul-mouthed driver? ;D Oh yeah, and this only happens when I'm alone, heh. In good time, perhaps I'll learn to pepper my rants with expletives like celaka sial, nia seng, mahai and b*tch. From there, I will slowly but surely learn to mix and match to produce the most eloquent and creative of expletives for my driving needs.

*cheeky grin*

Currently listening to: Westlife's Seasons in the Sun
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: Share with me your favourite expletive when driving ;D Please? hehe.

[6/16/2002 12:58:07 PM | Tiff. L]
I feel like the ultimate heel for forgetting Father's Day. Guess I'll have to prostrate myself on the floor and kiss my dad's feet to make it up to him in the morning *groans* Alternatively, I could also just take him out for lunch, hiaks. Bad Tiff, tsk tsk.

What are the chances of him believing that I'm still functioning on Canadian time? *sheepish grin*

Happy Fathers' Day, everyone.

[6/16/2002 12:27:49 PM | Tiff. L]
Just when you think all is well, life throws you a curveball and you come back down to earth with a bump.

Haven't had much time to blog; went crystal-shopping with sooks on Friday, was at the shop the whole of Saturday (minus a couple of hours that I took to learn the art of bracelet-making from sooks), yumchar-ed with Merv, caught a movie, went mamak-ing with Audrey's friends and basically didn't get home till 4 this morning, yay me.
Among other things, England kicked Denmark's ass 3-0, I've already finished making 2 bracelets, didn't get to see Fatboy Slim, Scooby Doo was mostly blah, a cat sneaked into the house (thus freaking my sister and mom out completely), and finally, I'd like to fly back to Canada tomorrow .
Oh yeah, the fights. Ah. Let's just say change is inevitable, and being peacemaker brings nothing but trouble, a lot of trouble. My attempt to remedy things between family members have united them alright, united them into channeling their anger and frustrations on me! A fine negotiator you turned out to be, Tiff *smack!*

And to think I was having such a great weekend too. :/

Kai, get your ass down to KL quick; sooks leaves me in 2 days, and I need friends :P

Currently listening to: Tina Arena's Burn
Current emotion: testy
Random observation: Mailbox flooded, lousy grades, headache: can this day get any worse?

Posted by Tiff at June 18, 2024 01:39 AM
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