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Yay, Kai is here, and sooks is safe and sound in Brisbane, Australia :) Drove Kai nuts since I couldn't give him directions around KL, and we looked for Shao Yi around 10-ish in the hopes that she was back from Melbourne. No such luck; we'll see her tomorrow I guess. We had dinner in DJ Uptown, and yumchar-ed later at Rafi's. Our original hangout has closed down and moved to a different part of SS15 :/ I think I scared Kai with my reckless driving, lol.
Just read the news regarding Ahn Jung-hwan's sacking by the Italian club Perugia, and all I can say is, Luciano Gaucci is a goddamn childish ass for taking Italy's loss out on the striker. So what if he scored the winning goal? It's the World Cup for god's sake; of course he's expected to bloody play the best he can, regardless of which team or country he represents.
Gaucci said*, "He was a phenomenon only when he played against Italy. I am a nationalist and I regard such behaviour not only as an affront to Italian pride but also an offence to a country which two years ago opened its doors to him". I say Gaucci's a sore loser and should be shot for being such an idiot; his response alone makes me want to kick him in the nuts. Ruined Italian soccer? Oh please. I thought players in the World Cup were above childish actions, but obviously, I'm mistaken. Here's 50 cents, Gaucci. Now go play far far away. Really.
[Gaucci's quote courtesy of Reuters]
Currently listening to: Matchbox 20's Push
Current emotion: ticked off
Random observation: Please, please say Ian received my essay *sigh*
I miss you a ton, babe! I go to camp in a short 3 days, so I will hopefully talk to ya soon. Send your home address.
Totally with ya on the soccer stuffs...and you FINALLY got your essay in! :)
been missing talking with you :(
but ill be back soon.
:) then we talk again :)
Posted by: s on June 21, 2024 03:50 AM