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I've been having a great time with my friends, just hanging out, yakkin' and laughing hysterically at the weirdest things. Our word of the trip is "PROTEST!", and I think I've (literally) kicked Shean Min enough to last a few days, lol.
He arrived yesterday, and we spent the day roaming the streets and grocery shopping at Victoria Market. I saw lots of cool stuff, including sharks' teeth, toe socks (which I definitely plan to get!) and sheepskin rugs. Heng Han went on another shopping binge, and I bought myself a really nice black fall sweater along the way. The guys bought me dinner at Corretto's, an Italian place down the street, yum :) I wanted gelati for dessert, but was too full at the end of the meal to even think about it!
Agnes and I talked till 6am, catching up on news with each other about anything and everything. We both woke up really late, and headed to Han's place for dinner. He cooked (ooh!) and we hung out for a while before catching the second half of the match between Turkey and Korea downstairs in the common room. Turkey beat Korea 3 - 2, darn.
Walked back to Agnes's place, and we played Russian poker for hours with ice cream as stakes. The deal was, for every card left on hand, we would consume a scoop of ice cream.
Shean Min lost the first three rounds consecutively.
"...butbutbut, mommy say cannot eat ice cream at night!" - Shean Min
I soon 'caught up'.
"How many cards you've got there?" - Shean Min
"...f*cking 11..." - Tiff
Heng Han had a lot of fun laughing at us before he got fried in two rounds and was on equal footing with us, lol!
"...me and my f*cking bright idea..." - Heng Han
Agnes was doing really well for the longest time, before I fried the three of them in one round. Since they forgot to see who had the next largest card at hand (and had to take the forfeit), they decided to draw lots the Malaysian way (lat ta li lat ta li tam plong!), and Agnes lost, causing her to curse in frustration:
"Fishsticks!" - Agnes
Shean Min, being the smartass that he is, interjected:
"Don't act innocent-lah! You wanna say mahai chau hai saylah. What fishsticks fishsticks?!"
As the evening drew to a close, Heng Han emerged the biggest loser, and as typical losers go, he ranted:
"I eat 10 scoops you add 9 scoops, I eat 5 you add 4, how to finish?!"
Yes Heng Han, that's what happens when you don't know how to play :P Losah! ;D
The four litre tub of ice cream dwindled to nothing, and we swore we'd never touch that stuff again.
Tiff, at beginning of evening: "I wanna eat ice cream!!!"
Tiff, at the end of the evening: "Ice cream?!" *gags*"
The things we put ourselves through *shakes head* I guess there's a little masochism in all of us :P Testing our boundaries and all that shit...
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: sick
Random observation: Nah be fiddlesticks!