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« Simply Sydney | Main | Hey Melbourne! Remember me? »

July 08, 2024

The weather's beautiful in Sydney; it doesn't even feel like winter here!

We've been busy running around the city checking out the sights, and Raymond's a great tour guide. Yesterday, we went to the Rocks which, coincidently, was having a coffee festival by the harbour (drool, Kai, drool!). Stalls were set up, and they were selling different kinds of coffee for a buck a cup, mm. The almond biscotti I bought to go with my cappucino was delicious! Heng Han went absolutely mad, and had six shots of espresso that day. He was feeling kinda woozy-headed later, lol. He also bought an espresso machine, and is currently broke, ahaha!
We took lots of pictures, and on our way to the Rocks, we lost Lillian, only to find her ogling at the jetty. We asked her what she was doing, and in a very loud tone she said, "I'm checking that guy out!!" We cracked up when the object of her interest turned around to see who'd exclaimed so loudly. I have to say though, Lillian has good taste! ;D
There was a live jazz band, lots of interesting stalls and a delicious coffee aroma that wafted along the streets. Couple that with a fantastic view of the infamous Sydney Opera House and the city skyline, and you have yourself a gorgeous picture as if painted on watered silk.
The next couple of hours were spent browsing crazy little knick knacks and enjoying the music and the view. Lillian and James took off early to catch the Hillsong concert, so it was just me, Shean Min, Raymond and Heng Han hanging around the harbour. I think my favourite part was the jazz band; they were simply amazing!
Anyway, we took the bus back to Raymond's place in the evening and had take-out from a little Taiwanese restaurant. We played cards and turned in early.

All we did today was walk our legs off, ugh! We left the apartment by 12, and walked to the Fish Market about 20 minutes away. I detoured off to buy some colourful socks, hee. Couldn't resist, y'see.
We ordered a huge seafood platter there and stuffed outselves silly with shrimp, calamari, fish, oysters and clams, among other things. James and Raymond went as far as to buy themselves lobster, since James had never had any before. It was quite funny seeing him savour his very first ;D Raymond was nice enough to treat us to some fresh scallops as well, yum. Walking around outside the fish Market was rather funny, and there were huge pelicans on the jetty. Lillian squealed and ran whenever one came close to her, lol.
After an amazing lunch, we walked across town to catch the bus to Bondi Beach. The guys were hoping to see some naked chicks (fat chance, seeing as it was winter), and Lillian and I wanted to see surfers ;D
The beach was, in a word, amazing. We walked along the shoreline, and my shoes and socks were soaked (I couldn't help but yell "F*CK" when the tide rushed in and soaked my shoes before I could run) because I had stubbornly refused to take them off. I finally did in the end, and the sand and water were really cold! James almost lost his shoes to the sea, and we couldn't stop laughing when he screeched and ran after them, lol.
On the way back to Market City, I discovered that my bottle of body spray broke, and my bag was soaked with the scent of magnolias, eek.
We had dinner in a little Vietnamese restaurant before walking to Star City, a casino about 25 minutes away from Raymond's place. There was nothing much to do, so we bought ice creams in a nearby convenience store and strolled back via Darling Harbour.

I'm all achy and tired. We have to wake up early and check out the Sydney Aquarium before heading back to Melbourne tomorrow night.

Currently listening to: everyone chattering around me
Current emotion: exhausted
Random observation: I love watching waves rush to shore!

Posted by Tiff at July 08, 2024 10:56 PM
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