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It's as if I've forgotten how to blog, heh. All I do is make mental notes to myself, and then forget them. Yes, I make mental notes to myself all the time, sometimes attaching little mental post-its filled with questions, obtuse answers and muddy reflection to it, like little strings coming apart from a frayed piece of cloth.
Forgive the drifting mind.
Was supposed to have a final drinking session last night with family and some friends. Cancelled at the last minute, since there was to be a mahjong session instead. Oh yeah, and Audrey had plans. Colin didn't. Me? I'm "flexible".
I spent the whole of yesterday driving mom and her sister around Subang and PJ. After a late lunch at the Little Penang Cafe, we traipsed around Midvalley, buying stuff for my imminent departure the following week.
I hate leaving. I feel as if there's a tonne of things I've left undone, and I was reminded of that again today, when dad and I visited his youngest sister, and I went to pray at my grandfather's house. The hour spent trying to converse with my aunt, while trying desperately to remember what little sign language I learnt when I was kid, made me realize how I've (very cowardly) avoided visiting her more often, because I usually ended up being frustrated , since I barely understand her. This is the lady who had a fair share in my upbringing, who taught me how to cook Maggi when I was but a young 'un, and made me realize from an early age that not everyone was blessed with the power of speech or hearing, that certain things in life we take for granted, and should not.
I'm buying her lunch next Friday.
Me and my big mouth *smacks forehead*
Ah well, no regrets for this one :)
Where was I? I can't believe how I run all over the place when writing, pfft. What the hell, reminder to self: take up classes in sign language this fall!
Every day, I tell myself, "tomorrow. I'll go see them tomorrow". I swear, one day tomorrow won't show up, and I'll be left stranded on the highway with one shoe on and the car a wreck.
Do I make sense to you?
List of things to do before leaving:
1. Take godparents out for dinner
2. Take mun ku out for lunch (Fri.)
3. Buy sarongs
3. See Norman and Shahnon
4. Buy Bob & Pauline's pewter
5. See dentist (yuck!)
6. Get hair cut (bubye, locks :/)
7. Mail last batch of letters
8. Send sooks more pastilles
9. Buy more crystals
10. Pack!!!!
That's all I remember so far, pfft.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Love Me Tomorrow
Current emotion: overwhelmed
Random observation: It's as if time picked up her skirts and decided to sprint the last 100 metres!