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I was dead tired yesterday, and for a good reason too! We were suppose to head downtown for dinner at Punky and Di's, but Di called around 6.30 in a panic, because she didn't know what to cook, lol. She brought all the raw foodstuff up, and I started throwing things together. Next thing you know, we're feeding eight or nine people an impromptu Malaysian dinner. There was Sarah, myself, Kayla, Di, Punky, Joel, Eren, Simon, Ryan... and a few strangers too. It was fun, albeit slightly stressful! Simon plans to stop by often for dinner now :P
Almost everyone went off to smoke up after that, and things got kinda sticky when Mareeka's parents showed up unannounced! Luckily, everyone was smoking in the backyard next door, so we pulled the sliding door and curtains shut, and hoped against hope that they couldn't smell the stuff. It was an interesting wrap-up to end summer I suppose. Crazy people, hehe. And no, Merv, I was not smoking with them *slap!* :P ;D
First day of classes, and I almost woke up late. Got up with plenty of time to dawdle without realizing it, hence my 100 metre sprint to the bus stop. Got to school with 25 minutes to spare though. Had to hunt my class down, since it was in OC and I wasn't familiar with the building.
I love my classes already. This year, I'm gonna learn how to read a poem out loud and tell stories :P Oh shutup, I'm an English major, so leave me alone. I see you smiling! Wipe that smirk off your face! *evil look*
I got to see lots of people on the bus today. Harvey, Therese, Faye, Michelle, etc. Bumped into Deandra, Nina and Althea at the college office; it was nice to see everyone. Bought more stuff downtown, and being the idiot that I am, I hopped onto the wrong bus and ended up taking a scenic side tour of Peterborough which brought me nowhere near my house, lol. Finally got home around 5, and cooked for Di, Punky and myself.
We're all roasting right now, as it's unbearably hot in the house. We even turned off the lights with the hope that it'll cool the place down, even if just a by a little. Kayla took pity on my internet-less state, and loaned me her account, so three cheers for Kayla! ;D Oh yeah, and before I forget, I stand corrected: we're not just futon bitches, we're sexy futon bitches :P Thanks for reminding me, Kayla.
Anyway, I should go read up a little for class tomorrow. Be back later I guess.
Currently listening to: Josh Groban's To Where You Are on repeat
Current emotion: miserable (stupid heat..!!)
Random observation: So much has happened.
isnt school grand LOL and cooler too eh?
Posted by: Chris on September 10, 2024 06:00 PM