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Just another day in the life of a university student. Woke up and had a breakfast of oatmeal, grapes and blueberries while yakking with Sarah over the dining table. We're normal, yay! ;D Did the dishes and washed the tea towels, all the while thinking how mom used to yell at us for not putting the dishes away after we were done. I have new respect for mom who kept the house spick and span while holding a full-time job and raising three kids. It was as if she heard me though, because the next thing you know, Sarah was yelling at me to pick up the 'phone downstairs, and it was mom! I talked to her and dad for a bit, before she passed the 'phone to Audrey. I miss my sister. Sure, we fight like hell, but hey, it's a sibling thing.
Anyway, went downtown with Sarah to buy stuff, and I bought baking goods, yay! I didn't head for 370, as I'm thinking of dropping the course. Kayla and I went for a swim, and damn it felt good! It's was such a bloody hot day, and the pool felt fantastic. Did I forget to mention, we have a pool just outside the apartment? ;) I digress. Baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch for the fun of it before we took the bus down to Punky's for dinner. It's Punky's birthday! Happy Birthday hun *HUG* So yah, it was a nice quiet gathering, with just the five of us. I cooked, and halfway through, we set off the smoke alarm, lol. No, nothing was burnt; the alarm was just super-sensitive. Really! It was funny watching Di and Kayla on chairs waving and fanning a bunch of newspapers underneath the detector though.
Althea joined us a while later, and it was really nice to just sit back, chat and laugh. It's Althea's birthday tomorrow; we're throwing a dinner party Friday (the 13th, no less) and Bubba's throwing a barbeque party Saturday, so it's a packed week. I'm excited :)
Spoke to Daniel awhile ago, and I'm thinking about hosting a radio show. Possibly, maybe? It would be fun. I was thinking of live, acoustic and accapella music. Any thoughts?
The house gets sprayed tomorrow, thank goodness. I'm tired of being a walking meal for the damn fleas.
Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Love Song for A Saviour
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Future fiction tomorrow, woo..!!