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The house got sprayed today, and I'm bloody pleased about it. We left at noon so the pest control guys could do their thing, and when I got back at 5-ish, all you could see were dead bugs all over the floor and carpet. Kinda gross when you think about it, but you can't imagine how happy I am, heh. Damned fleas. Had to do a whole bunch of laundry after that though, but it's well worth it.
Utopia was okay; the prof is just as boring as I remembered from last term, but I like the books, so I'm still alright. Was late for modern poetry though, because the buses were packed, grr. Am crossing my fingers that the prof will let me in, seeing as I didn't pre-register for the course, bah. He's amazing though; I swear, if I can just recite poetry the way he does... ooh. He's funny too; while describing stage fright, he said "...and the fucking thing is DELETED from your memory!"
I love it when profs aren't afraid to show that they're human too.
Anyway, saw Joel, DJ and Ryan after class, and hitched a ride with Joel who was heading downtown with his brother. I gave them cookies, and Benjamin was ectastic, lol.
Baked a batch of brownies tonight, and read a bit of Thomas More's Utopia. I can't wait to get cracking on 1984 and Brave New World. The prof sucks, but I love the selection of books for the year, even if it is 14 books for one course.
Among other things, Ryan got us a salt and pepper shaker for the house, "borrowed" from the caf. A few days ago, he also got us a napkin dispenser, courtesy of Tim Horton's :P Crazy people!
It's cooled down considerably today; soon it'll be thick sweatshirts and heavy coats again! I like winter though. It's dark, but pristine and clean at times.
Currently listening to: Counting Crows' Forty Years (acoustic)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Teddy bears make everything look good, including vodka :P