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I've had a great day. After about four hours of classes, I paid my tuition fees, bought myself a new binder, visited John and gave cookies along the way.
It's a fantastic feeling, giving cookies. Home-baked cookies emit a feeling of warmth and home, something many seem to forget in day-to-day details. I gave a cookie to the lady working at the post office today, and she positively beamed. I could see the surprise and delight in her eyes, and it made me wonder, how many people just buy their stamps and post their packages, ignoring the person behind the counter, who, like us, have family, friends and feelings too?
I offered a cookie to the lady at the financial office, so busy that she had to have her lunch at the desk while meeting the students and sorting their financial details. She declined, but she was amazingly nice, and I could sense the appreciation in response to that simple offer.
So yeah, offer someone a cookie or a smile today. It may not be returned, be brushed off, rebuffed, but know that you've done what you can, and don't let others dampen your day or spirits.
I walked to the library from JBC today to see John; it was great catching up on news with him. He's bought a new house with Rox south of the Patch, and we're hoping to organize a get-together sometime soon. I can't wait ;D
Eren came by in the afternoon; he's thinking of moving into our basement, heh. He's going to try to get out of rez this or next week and move in with us, lol. It'll make rent cheaper for sure, and he's a nice guy. We'll see what happens.
The girls are partying tonight, but I have a morning class tomorrow, and I'm tired anyway. Kayla and I feel asleep on the couch watching Will & Grace, heh.
Di and Punky visited, and we watched MiB. We're excited; it's our dinner party tomorrow! ;D Called some people the confirm, and the funniest was Benjamin, who asked how many people he could bring to our house. I told him not to invite the whole rez, just his two friends :P I don't think we can handle gatecrashers. But we're excited, wee..!! *dances around!*
I have a good feeling about this year. I haven't felt this good in a long time, and today, which should have been just any other day, I feel...free. Free to smile and laugh, knowing, not just hoping, that all is right and well, that everyone's happy, that I'm happy; it's amazing. I feel free of headaches and sleepless nights, that with determination and focus, I will complete this school year well. Yes, I'm confident, heh.
Let's hope this feeling lasts for a good long time ;)
Currently listening to: Tony Rich Project's Missing You
Current emotion: content
Random observation: I LOVE my housemates! ;D
And I love your housemates too
Posted by: K-la on September 13, 2024 12:21 PM