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It's been a typical Friday the 13th; things go wrong, accidents happen, bad luck, blablabla. But you know what? I'm still happy ;D
Woke up 8-ish for class, and walked to school with Kayla. I was 15 minutes early, and I waited. And waited. And waited. No one showed up, so I figured class was either cancelled or moved. Went back home berating myself for my stupidity, only to find out that my class was in a different building, doh! My Trent e-mail account was screwed, so I called my prof's secretary and left a message apologizing for the mix-up.
I called mom and talked to her for a long time. It was a good conversation, and I think mom's not as worried as last year, 'cause she told me she could tell that I was happy and smiling, even through the 'phone, heh.
After lunch, Sarah and I took the bus to Di's, because we had a bunch of shopping to do. As Sarah and I sat out on the porch, I saw a bunch of pennies on the floor. Sarah told me to pick it up for our money jar back home, and I was about to, until I counted thirteen pennies. Not a good sign, so I left it there (will get it tomorrow, hah!). We walked to Bubba's and back, before going down to Price Chopper to pick up groceries. My bag was crazy heavy, but we made it back in good time. I tripped while walking back and hurt my ankle, but the pain wore off after a while.
I started cooking once I got back, and baked a cake, choc chip cookies, made curry chicken, stewed peppered pork, fried fish in sweet and sour sauce and a small thing of grilled chicken covered in cream of chicken. I was in the kitchen for five solid hours, and being the typical stressed individual that I was, I got into a really bitchy mood, which thankfully wore off after I had a long cool shower. Eren came by and made pasta with a thing of beef, which, according to the girls, was yummy (I don't touch beef, but damn it looked good!).
Everyone came by around 7-ish, and it was great. The food was demolished in good time, with the exception of the curry, which everyone but the girls found to be "too spicy". Poor Simon had tears in his eyes, ahaha! Benjamin and his friends really liked the food, heh. I swear, it's easy to make anything look good once you've been through the caf's :P
We had a great time, but I'm beat. Had a headache which promptly went away when Chris suggested we drink, lol. He brought out a thing of chocolate liquer, but I think it sat for too long in his car, since it kinda solidified, hehe. So much for alco *sigh* That's okay though, 'cause Chris and I are gonna make up for it tomorrow and drink twice as much :P It's Ra Ra's birthday too, so yah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RA RA! *hug*
Yeah, I'm ready for my vodka again, I think.
Kayla, Sarah: we throw awesome dinner parties! ;D
Quotes of the Day:
"The next time I find you girls sleeping in my bed, you'd better be naked, no exception!" - Ryan
"...she comes near me, I'm gonna kill her, or me, whoever's closer!" - Punky
So last year I was the insomniac, this year I'm the cook... - Tiff
And next year you're Fffuh! - Chris
Currently listening to: All Star United's Baby Come Back
Current emotion: dead tired
Random observation: Is it so hard to believe that some people are nice just because?