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Mom called this morning, and woke me (and the rest of my housemates) up. Hehe. Poor Sarah. She gets it the worst, 'cause the 'phone's in her room. Tsk.
We had lunch at the Red Lobster today, and overdosed on shrimp, lol. There was a promotion; 30 shrimp for CD13.99, so we just went crazy. Being the hungry growing adults that we were, we got appetizers as well, so by the time our main course was served, we were full. Chris and his 45 shrimp, ahahha!
Hey sooks, guess what? That note you sent me last year, with the stationery and stuff? It's on the wall :)
Blessed are we
who are grateful
for all that comes our way.
Currently listening to: The Other Guys' Prayer for the Dying
Current emotion: loved
Random observation: Penguins: next 5km! ;D