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I just want to lean back and chill today. Had planned to sleep in, but the 'phone woke me up, bah.
Yesterday was mad crazy. After a lousy night of sleep (or the lack of it) and my 10am class on campus, I rushed down to Trent Radio to turn in my proposal which I'd spent the hour in class filling. Stopped by Di's, missed the bus and waited a good 25 minutes for the next one to come along. Got home, changed and headed to the pool with Sarah. Sean thinks I'm nuts, especially since I was ready to drop when I got home, heh.
Anyway, we walked back from school and basically collapsed on the sofa at home. Di wanted us to make a trip to Toronto for the day with her, and Sarah was all up for it. I just wanted to chill though, so I declined. Two hours later, Sarah was back; the Greyhound was packed, and she couldn't get a seat. Most of the freshmen went home for the weekend, it seems.
Punky came by, and we were suppose to go downtown and buy groceries. I was lazy, so I called Joel and asked him for a ride downtown. He was studying, but promised to be over by six. Kayla was home, and by five, the four of us were starving. We were also tired and didn't want to cook, so on the spur of the moment, we decided to eat out at Wimpy's instead. We called Joel again, and I told him if he was busy, we'd just head on downtown by ourselves. He started whining about rearranging his schedule only to have us ditch him, lol. We were so hungry and impatient that we walked partway to school to so that he didn't have to drive in and waste even more time, hehe. According to him, dining with four hungry girls wasn't something he got to do all the time :P He didn't eat, because he had a dinner date with his "biatch" Simon, lol.
After we got home, we yakked and yakked for the longest time, until Sarah and Punky headed out for a spot of clubbing. Had considered boozing the night away, but in my state, I would've been out quick. Kayla and I were up till 2 though, just talking about stuff, 'cause we were the only ones home. I downloaded two songs, and it's painful watching dial-up. I want my cable damnit!
I just have to do some reading and start working on my essays today. Sarah and I might head down to Lansdowne to do some shopping, too. It's my weekend to recuperate, heh.
Currently listening to: Puddle of Mudd's She Hates Me
Current emotion: a'ight
Random observation: home alone, and the house is too quiet
I know I know. I should be grateful for the lil things, heh.
Posted by: wooz on September 22, 2024 07:26 PMat least you HAVE dial up :P
Posted by: fuzzy on September 22, 2024 12:29 PM