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I dropped a stud on the floor, and now I can't bloody find it. It was such a nice blue pair too. This sucks.
Last night was fun. A little too much booze, but fun. I've only had five hours of sleep, gaah. Guess I'll take a nap later. I think Kayla and the rest plan to head downtown to the Vibe again tonight, but I'm staying in. The return of the geek, hah! Nah, I just have too much work and not enough time (as usual) to do them in, bleh.
Got soaked in the rain yesterday, as I I had to hand in some documents to the school. I swear, if I keep this up, I'm gonna have a permanent cold all year round :P
I want my earring back damnit! :(
Write later. Need to hunt for it.
Currently listening to: Kenny G's The Moment
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: I have a 5 dollar bet and mission for the weekend, issued by Chris.