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Missed class for the first time this school year. Got caught in the rain. Made it for oral literature. Wrote a letter instead of paying attention to the prof. Walked in the rain summore. Bought stuff. Sent cookies. Sent letters. Visited Kris. Got caught in the rain (again!). Received package from Andreas (yay!!). Listened to new CD all day. Sniffled randomly.
Had a crazy-ass weird dream last night, which has my English literature-oriented and brainwashed mind thinking of possible metaphors which lead to certain conclusions I do not like at all. Nuh uh.
My housemate stuck a burning hollow candle in her ear today. It was quite interesting. He ears were blocked, and she was using a little-known traditional method called candling, introduced to her by some lady at the health food store downtown. I got to hold the flaming thing in her ear for a good 10 minutes. It was quite a sight actually, this burning hollow stick held over her head, and one end stuck inside her ear. It works too! Good thing we didn't set fire to her, or the house for that matter. I can see the headlines now: Student Sticks Burning Candle in Ear; Sets Self and House on Fire! Hiaks.
Went to campus in the evening with Kayla for Joel's little talk thingie in the LEC caf. It was over in an hour, so he gave us a ride home. Finished reading my books for CUST370. Very proud of that. Oh yeah, borrowed Bridget Jones' Diary from Sonia. Must watch it soon.
Catching Sweet Home Alabama with Di and Punky tomorrow at the cinema, I think. Maybe not, if things don't work out. Have too much homework.
Must. write. essay.
Oh wait. Where the heck did that come from?! *smacks forehead*
Tired. Headache. Thinking too much.
Currently listening to: Roberta Flack's It Might Be You
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation: Crazy.little.one.
hey, i like that version of It Might Be You. :)
don't go burning stuff young lady! *waves a finger at you* ;p
*hugs you* miss you, Tiff!
Posted by: skyOrange on October 1, 2024 05:24 AM