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In one of my random conversations with a friend, I mentioned how my brain was half-baked and thus, not functioning properly. His response?
"So you smoke weed now?"
Hell no. Then I learnt that the term "baked" refers to being high. Ditto with stoned. At this moment, I'd like to point out my ignorance in pot-lingo, and when I say stoned or baked, I mean non-functioning and impaired by lack of sleep and/or tiredness. Nothing more, nothing less.
I am not a pothead, thankie :P
Now that we've got that out of the way...
Didn't make it to Punky's BBQ thing after all, simply because the buses were packed with drunks heading downtown for even more booze. Now, as much as I enjoy the company of Punky and friends, the prospect of hopping onto a bus, packed, no less, with several alcohol-induced individuals who may or may not possibly throw up at any particular time, holds no appeal at all.
...and so, my housemates and I stayed in and watched Bridget Jones' Diary instead. Hehe.
I was suppose to work on my essay today, but procrastinated (as usual!) by cleaning the house, watching Cinderella, Toy Story 2 and The Simpsons.
Shame on me :/
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Gel (acoustic - live in Morocco)
Current emotion: ashamed
Random observation: I can call sookie!! but her 'phone's always busy :/