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It's been a good day.
I got to talk to sooks (finally!) last night; it was great catching up with her :) After our conversation, I got cracking on my drama paper. Worked on it till 1-ish, before getting some sleep. Was up at 9 and finished it an hour before class, yay!
Stopped by Trent Radio to drop off my second proposal before rushing home after classes. Had a quick dinner because I was starving (was sick in the morning, and forgot about lunch in my haste to get to class on time). It was off to campus right after that for British fiction. I swear, Prof. Eathorne is the one of the nicest men alive. ;D
Got home around 9 and checked my e-mail: I have my own radio show!! *jumps around excitedly* It's officially known as The Teddy Bear Punch Hour, aka Mrs Parkes Is A Bitch to the household :P I air Thursday nights from 7 to 8 on 92.7FM. Oh yeah, and we're also broadcasted over the internet, eh? Must get the link sometime.
Or maybe I won't :P
Hehe. Yay, my own radio show! Am so excited ;D
Need my sleep now.
Quote of the Day:
We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance to exist - Unknown
Currently listening to: Jagged Edge's Goodbye
Current emotion: ecstatic
Random observation: What is it with guys and facial hair?
wooohoo you got to talk to sooks now it my turn!
Posted by: Chris on October 9, 2024 01:28 AM