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YES! Cable internet has finally arrived (in my room)! *cheers!* Kayla's cousins showed up this evening and got it all hooked up. There are pretty blue cable wires running up and down the hallway now, so RAH! ;D
Am listening to the extended remix of Elvis vs JXL's A Little Less Conversation. Kayla made me download Our Lady Peace's new track, Innocent, and it's one of those songs I know I'll be listening on repeat for the longest time. I love OLP <3
Have the house entirely to myself tonight, as Kayla, Eren and Chris have gone back to Massey. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Toronto, but for the moment, am alone, and the quiet isn't bothering me half as much as I thought it would.
Among some of the 'rules' Kayla set for me:
1. no baking stuff without her and Sarah around
2. no burning the house down (not until we get insurance anyway)
3. no jumping up and down in the living area stark naked just because I can (?!)
4. no parties
5. no boys
6. no sex (ahahahahaha!!!)
I lost track what else she said. Baked a batch of choc chip cookies, and gave her some as a snack for the long drive back. She's spoilt, heh *rolls eyes* Yes Kayla, you know you are!! ;D
Am so sleepy. Went for class like the good kid that I am, and I've been running around for most of the day, so I'm tired. Just spent the last two hours watching Canadian Air Farce and some stand-up comedy programme.
Think I'll go shower.
Currently listening to: Dixie Chicks' Wide Open Spaces
Current emotion: relaxed
Random observation: Lookit, Sarah & Kayla, I have a hick song!!