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I had to drag my ass outta bed and hotfoot it downtown to meet Daniel this morning. After sleeping in for the last few days, getting up at 10 is such a chore.
It was off to Home Depot to pick up wood and stuff for my shelves and Daniel's table. Yup, he's bulding a mahjong table, and the first session is this Friday night. Anyway, it was interesting shopping there :P We got back to his place around 2-ish, and he set me to work sanding the planks outside in the freaking cold, pfft. I took off as soon as I was done before he could get me to do anything else, hah!
Sarah's new 'puter was here, so we spent the afternoon fiddling with it. Went for a swim before coming home to hang out with Roger who was over for a visit. We miss him; there's no one whom we can bully with such familiarity. Kayla's 'puter's busted, so he tried fixing it for her. In the meantime, he also harassed poor Shahnon over MSN, and Kayla kept egging him on :P
Mareeka, Lexie and I cooked a big dinner for everyone, and Hannah and Anyale showed me how to dance the Trinidad way, lol. Anyway, the food was great, and I learned something new.
I enjoyed the day. Busy, funny and eventful; tis not ordinary.
Currently listening to: Jennifer Love Hewitt's Barenaked
Current emotion: drowsy
Random observation: Ra Ra got us CABLE TV!
he's making a WHAT?!
that's COOL, man!! wah lau, next year we pull allnighters many many... mahjong lah, not reading/papers!! hehehe... would be good what. stay over, study together, then take a break together. sleep less... i think we sleep too much. why sleep more than 1/3 of your life away? assuming that we ought to get 8hours of sleep a day. which most students don't get. the average number of hours a day of sleep a Harvard student gets is... i think 2. how do these people do it... maybe i'm just growing old
Posted by: yimin on October 24, 2023 06:47 PM