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So Sarah's right across the hall from me, but we're so lazy we still ICQ each other anyway.
She's got me searching for Vin Diesel pics for her, so I hopped over to sooks' site and punked some links there, 'cause I know of sooks' little obsession, hiaks ;) Ugly bald guy, if you ask me, but I digress.
Was feeling rather oatmeal-ly, so I had a bowl of apple and cinnamon oatmeal. Yum. I could live off it and it alone. Or maybe not.
Called the parental unit, and I got to talk to Audrey too, bonus! I miss my sister. We don't understand each other, but we love anyway.
Radio show was today, and as usual, I burn the CDs just before the bus shows up, skip dinner, hotfoot it downtown and spend the next 45 minutes scribbling my script away before going on air. It's a bad habit, but I enjoyed myself a little more today than I did in my first show. Still nervous, but slightly better *cough* I suck at public speaking.
I think I should go to bed, or something.
Currently listening to: Take That's How Deep Is Your Love
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I said "ass" over live radio! ;D