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Ever had one of those days when everything you said just came out so wrong?
For example:
"Kayla, do you still want to get that book for your mom? 'cause I'm short, and I want free shipping".
As if that's not enough:
*discussion about 20th century theatre*
"...and it's not natural because it has a happy ending..."
"Yes, but we all love happy endings. What's the difference here, that which makes it denaturalized?"
"It's..uh..happy happy?"
And then...
"Hey, it's Harry Potter! Wow, he looks so much better now!"
"Yeah, when he was 10, he was just geeky. But now that he's 12, oh baby!"
And then...
"I saw the cutest guy today!"
"Wow, you actually thought someone was hot?"
"He was wearing a baby-blue toque, and he sat next to me, and that toque had a Care Bear on it!" *swoon!*
"Is it the man that wears the toque, or the toque that wears the man?"
"Hmm. Debatable."
Blonde moments. It must be spreading *looks at Kayla and Sarah!* Hiaks. ;D
Currently listening to: Tupac's California Love
Current emotion: .
Random observation: We're getting boozed up this weekend, lalala...