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It's been a great day. Started off rather rocky, seeing as I was still seething from the last two days or so. Spending a couple of hours with Kayla and Chris totally calmed me down though, and after we'd left the house and went shopping, I'd cheered up considerably. Perhaps the fact that Kayla said I'd frightened our housemate off made me smile, hah!
Yes, I'm evil that way ;D
Started cooking around 4, what with all the preparation that needed to be done and everything. Long came 6-ish, and we cooked till almost 9, gutting squid (yuck!), cleaning shrimp, mixing concoctions and the works. Kayla made the absolute dessert of the day: a streusel that melted in the mouth and tasted heavenly. Mm. Good thing there's still leftovers for tomorrow! Punky made a yummilicious marble cake with chocolate icing, too. Yep, two desserts, and at least six different dishes ranging from chicken to squid to pork to shrimp, ahh. The best dinner, ever.
We started boozing after, and Long had some white wine out of a bowl (?!). We finished a bottle of Arbor Mist between us, had some of Kayla's rasberry vodka, and Chris did a fantastic job wiping out his Crown Royale and 3/4ths of his 1.5 litre bottle of white wine. Di and Julia had passed out soon after all the food was finished, and Dru and Punky didn't drink, being happy with just observing us chug (?) wine and vodka. Yes, I lost to Long twice, but it was a close call anyhow.
Of all the dinner parties we've thrown, this ranks right up there as the most fun and relaxing for me. I'd finished two major presentations, I had time on my hands, and all my favourite people were under one roof. Who could ask for more?
The only downside was that Sarah wasn't around to join us :/
I'm tired, and sleepy.
Currently listening to: Stanford Silhouttes' cover of Boyz II Men's Thank You
Current emotion: .
Random observation: That's right, FEAR ME! ;D
I would've if you weren't so freaking far away :/
you're one of my favourite people too y'know :P
you didnt invite me.
I........................feel so alone
s, HUG!!! ;D
Posted by: tiff on November 10, 2023 09:09 PMtiff HUG!!!!!!!1
Posted by: s on November 10, 2023 07:57 PM