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I feel like I barely have time for a breather now, running around trying to get everything done.
The hell weeks have begun.
Had to head downtown to Prof. Eathorne's place for class today, and I walked for a good 45 minutes along and around Stewart Street trying to find this elusive little grey house of his. Luckily, I knew for a fact I wasn't familiar with the area and I have a lousy sense of direction, hence my leaving an hour earlier to find it. First things first, it's dark out, so I really can't see the colour! And bloody hell, he just HAD to live on one of the longest streets in Peterborough! Walked in circles, uphill and downhill, cutting through Traill College and back down again. I'd almost given up until I finally stumbled upon this tiny place hidden away, looking like nothing I'd pictured in my befuddled and fuzzy brain. Mind you, it's dark by 5pm now, so at the back of my mind was the niggling doubt that if I'm not careful, I'd be mugged on my way to class. Yes, a perfect way to end the evening, don't ya think? Pfft. Having an overactive imagination did NOT help, I assure you.
Lucky me, I found the place with 5 minutes to spare, and 1 1/2 hours later I was on my way back to campus.
I love my bandanna. It makes me feel productive. Or something. I think I'll go buy another one.
*hugs cocktail shaker*
Currently listening to: Eve's Who's That Girl
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Never a dull moment.