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Was sitting in front of the 'puter, still half-asleep and feeling hungry, when Sarah came in and handed me the 'phone. All I could make out was a garbled "Osama...in Canada! Where the hell have you been?! Are you living under a rock?! Everyone's talking about it!". My initial reaction was "wtf?!" before keying in CNN.com to find out what was happening. Nope, Osama ain't in Canada. Nope, nothing bombed just yet.
So there's a tape that's been found. Everyone's talking about it. Went downstairs to watch the news, and all I can think about now is,
a) wtf is wrong with everybody
b) we're all going straight to hell
c) whoever wants to bring kids into this kinda world should think twice
d) G.W. Bush is just pissing me off. Bloody hypocrite.
Karma. Tit for tat.
Life's a bitch and then you die.
Currently listening to: Run DMC vs Jason Nevins' It's Like That
Current emotion: disconnected
Random observation: "...disillusion is the word..."