That's right, it's that crazy blonde six foot housemate of mine that lives down the hall's birthday, so RAH for Kayla! ;D
I was up till past 3am fixing her door and her gift for her, so I slept right through class this morning, eek! According to her, it was worth it though, lol.
Nothing much today, except bumming and procrastinating. As of this moment, I'm still putting off writing not one, but two of my papers due at 9am. Have to make an emergency visit to a friend's place, but I plan to pull and all-nighter anyways, so it's no big deal.
I will make it!
Didn't do much with Kayla today, as her cousins took her out for dinner. We're celebrating tomorrow though, just the girls, lots of good dessert and of course, the alcohol. Sarah and Punky insist on drinking games, and I plan to put my brand new cocktail mixer to good use. In the event that we follow through this time, we'll be happy-ass plastered before tomorrow night is over ;D
*crosses fingers*
Currently listening to: Uncle Sam's When I See You Smile
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Damnit, why is it always that something major happens the night before my papers are due?