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I've made a conscious decision to try (key word here is try) and spend more time at the library instead of at home, seeing as comfort seems the bring forth the lazy in me. Not to mention the kitchen, which will forever be my main procrastinating tool, whether it be cleaning, cooking and/or baking.
It snowed all day yesterday, about 15cm, but had melted by this evening, hence my near-death experience while walking to school. Stupid puddles of ice. !@#%$!! Almost slipped twice today, first when I had to chase the stupid postman for delivering stuff to the wrong house (Emily saw me running after him and thought it was real funny, and some other guy opened his window and yelled words of encouragement!?), and next while I was trekking to school. I love winter and snow, but slush and ice I can do without, thankie :P
sooks has decided to take her site down, I think, and if that happens, this will probably go down along with it. I don't mind though; as sooks said, it was fun while it lasted :) I'll keep writing, but where I don't know. Maybe a real journal this time, where I use a pen instead of the keyboard. Or something. This is my 800th post, and I remember sooks telling me back in summer, that for a bunch of .txt files, I sure as hell write a lot, lol.
Thank you sooks, for hosting me and my ramblings for so bloody long. Much appreciated, and I'm there for ya still, you know that.
...and it's just another sign of thankfulness when friends leave words that touch the heart and warm the soul on a cold winter's day, as each letter forms and creates a permeating warmth that one feels with the mind; crystal-clear words that shimmer and reflect emotion in motion, a rainbow of coloured wisps of clouds, ever gentle, ever loving, ever there...
Currently listening to: Valeria Andrews & Ryan Toby's Pay Attention
Current emotion: .
Random observation: My feet don't touch the floor when I'm on certain gym equipment ;D